Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Good" Project

I stood at school for an hour giving away snack items often found in vending machines. I attached a card with my name & blog url on it. I gave snacks to students who promised to write me an anonymous post with a confession. I told students that I was doing this as part of a community art project. Most people were happy to participate (mostly they were happy to get free food) and some people fulfilled their promise. Stay tuned...


  1. I always have a thought that me and my best friend are driving and we get into a crash and she dies.


  2. I don't regret what I did to cause you to reject our friendship, you were immature anyway. GROW UP!


  3. One of my best friends is stupid, really stupid.


  4. I was jealous one of my friends was graduating before me.


  5. I get a thrill knowing people I hate are miserable.


  6. When I buy something really expensive I think about using it once and returning it.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. When a vending machine eats my money I kick it really hard!


  9. When I buy newspapers from those machines on Sundays, I take all the papers so I can get the coupons!


  10. My cousin didn't like my ex-boyfriend and she wanted to do something really mean. So, we made a list of bad things to do to him. One of the things we did was crap in a newspaper, wrapped it up in beautiful gift wrap and bows, and left it on his front porch after ringing the bell.


  11. When I go to nice restaurants, I steal the menu.


  12. My friend was dumped suddenly by a guy she dated for 2 months. We found out later that he & his were prank calling her & telling her that her name & number were all over a bathroom stall in a bar. We planned on going to a fish market the next week and get fish guts and water and pour it all over his car late at night. So, when he turns on his heater or a/c it will smell of fish...I regret not having a chance to really do this. He totally deserves it!


  13. My cousin came to visit from Germany. She was very tall and beautiful, but extremely lazy & stupid. She didn't lift a finger during her visit. I was her personal maid. She ate nothing but junk food, soda & sugary juices. I would pray at night that she would get fat, ugly & take care of her own trash!


  14. After I would get into fights with my sister, I would steal her clothes & shoes & hide them to drive her nuts.


  15. I want the ATM I go to, to randomly spit out 100's...I fantasize about this!


  16. The girls at school who walk around in high heels & carry designer bags on campus make me laugh...I imagine one of them tripping & tumbling down the stairs.


  17. I wish the chick in the B-mer would get off her phone or shove it up her ass!


  18. I wish selfish people were unable to have children.


  19. I have a flakey friend. She says she will go with me to do something & backs out last minute. I want to teach her a lesson by doing the same to her, but I'm too nice to do it.
